Tårnby Park Performance Festival 2023
“The beginning of a long journey”
6.-15. Juni 2023
Festival center: Tårnbypark Allé 22, 2770 Kastrup
Other places: Tårnbyparken, Tårnby, Tårnby Hovedbibliotek, Netto og Basalt Tårnby, Tårnby Torv, Kastrup Strandpark, Saltholm
Program overview and tickets here
Festival Pass
Day Tickets
Detailed program here
About the festival
Press/Tv Contact
Festival team / contact
Are you a traveler? Then you might want to be part of one of our tours Saturday – the water tour – including a boat trip to Saltholm, where Traveling Bodies present a unique performance for only ten people! Do you like dancing? Then, the open dance workshop from Birgitte Skands is your thing! Or are your more fascinated by contemporary housing discourses in a crossover with classical literature? Then, Kleist & Crisis is not to miss! Or, moreover – if you are into cultural politics and empowering precarious artistic practices? Come to Soft Clashes, our debate day. Is that all too much for you, and would you rather celebrate? We offer a garden party and, each day open grill. If you happen to be interested in cultural crossovers and new perspectives, We/Re Confess Your Faith or Autopsy Of A Dying Continent is an excellent place to contemplate. But maybe you want to stay at a place and enjoy the community. Then, relax with some sports training we offer in collaboration with AMOK on our „Back to community-day. The day ends with a movie evening where you can witness the famous extraterrestrial E.T. visiting Tårnby.
By the way, you can also book a city tour Saturday, where you will encounter Aisle to Aisle, a dance piece in the local Netto, The Loop of cultural reproduction, with MA Architect student Tom Silbiger, and SAGA, the sales theatre in the local library.
Tårnby Park Performance Festival presents new works and artistic practices in progress that are mainly shown to an audience for the first time. Some have been developed in local residencies like Ella Östlungs Your Heart Out.
It is a lot, we know. But take your time; check our diverse program. Tårnby Park Performance Festival crosses neighborhood activities with contemporary international performances. Hygge, fællesskab and art. This is for you!
TUESDAY 06.06.2023
12:00 – 17:00 Tårnby Bibliotek
SAGA (Arbejdsrummet) – by PROLETAR TEATER
WEDNESDAY 07.06.2023
12:00 – 17:00 Tårnby Bibliotek
SAGA (Arbejdsrummet) – by PROLETAR TEATER
THURSDAY 08.06.2023
11:00 – 14:00 Tårnby Bibliotek
15:00 – 18:00 Tårnby Bibliotek
SAGA (Shop) – by PROLETAR TEATER – Ticket
FRIDAY 09.06.2023 – Day ticket
11:00 – 14:00 Kastrup Strandpark
YANA (You are not alone) – by Nexus Dance – Ticket
15:00 – 18:00 Tårnby Bibliotek
SAGA (Shop) – by PROLETAR TEATER – Ticket
16:00 – 18:00 Tårnbyparken
A Tårnby state of mind – by Emil & Anna – Ticket
16:00 – 16.30 Basalt Supermarked på Amager Landevej
Aisle to Aisle – by Karin Bergman – Ticket
17:00 – 22:00 Tårnbyparken
Festival Opening: Garden Party! – Ticket
18:30 – 19:15 Tårnbyparken
We/Re Confess Our Faith – by Ran Suh – Ticket
19:30 – 20:20 Tårnbyparkens Fælleshus
Autopsy of a Dying Continent – by Mamadou Soma & Delia Keller – Ticket
SATURDAY 10.06.2023 – Day ticket
11:00 – 11:45 Tårnby Bibliotek
Blækspruttetanker – by Boaz Barkan – Ticket
11:00 – 14:00 – Tårnby Torv
The Loop of Cultural Reproduction – by Tom Silbiger – Ticket
12:00 – 16:00 Tårnby Bibliotek
SAGA (Shop) – by PROLETAR TEATER – Ticket
12:00 – 15:00 Tårnby Bibliotek, på vej til Tårnby Torv
A Tårnby state of mind – by Emil & Anna – Ticket
13:00 – 16:00 Kastrup Strandpark
YANA (You are not alone) – by Nexus Dance – Ticket
13:00 – 13.30 Netto på Tårnby Torv
Aisle to Aisle – by Karin Bergman – Ticket
14:00 – 14.30 Netto af Tårnby Torv
Aisle to Aisle – by Karin Bergman – Ticket
14:00 Tårnby Kommunes Havnekontor
Traveling Bodies – by Neda Kovinic – Ticket
SUNDAY 11.06.2023
13:00 – 16:00 Kastrup Strandpark
YANA (You are not alone) – by Nexus Dance – Ticket
TUSDAY 13.06.2023 – Day Ticket
16:00 – 18:00 Tårnbyparken
A Tårnby state of mind – by Emil & Anna – Ticket
16:30 – 17.15 Tarnbyparken
Frankensteins first walk in the neighborhood – by Fremtidsklubben – Ticket
17:00 – 17.30 Tårnbyparken
Your Heart Out – by Ella Östlund & Ottavia Catenacci – Ticket
17:30 – Tårnbyparken
Open Grill
18:00 – 18.50 Tårnbyparken Café
Autopsy of a Dying Continent – by Mamadou Soma og Delia Keller – Ticket
19:00 – 19.40 Tårnbyparken
Kleist & Krise –by Boys* in Sync – Ticket
WEDNESDAY 14.06.2023 – Day Ticket
16:00 – 18:00 Tårnbyparken
YANA (You are not alone) – by Nexus Dance – Ticket
16:00 – 18:00 Tårnbyparken
A Tårnby state of mind – by Emil & Anna – Ticket
16:00 – 18.00 Tårnbyparken
Open dance workshop with Birgitte Skands – Ticket
17:30 – Tårnbyparken
Open Grill
17:30 – 18.45 Tårnbyparken
Amager Orienteringsklub: An orientation run training for everyone – Ticket
19:00 – Tårnbyparken Café
Film evening: “Your voice in my ear” by Max Morris-Doherty and Sophie Grodin / “Tårnby gets a visit”, by Boaz Barkan and Andreas Liebmann – Ticket
THURSDAY 15.06.2023 – Day Ticket
10:00 – 15:00 Tårnbyparkens Fælleshus
Debate day: “Soft Clashes” – with Gylleboverket, Kinéo 37, Nexus Dance, På den anden side, Trampoline House – Ticket
15:00 – 18:00 – Tårnbyparken
The Loop of Cultural Reproduction – by Tom Silbiger – Ticket
16:00 – 18:00 Tårnbyparken
A Tårnby State of Mind – af Emil & Anna – Ticket
16.30 Auction of the canvas of A Tårnby State of Mind
16:00 – 18.00 Tårnbyparken
Åben danse-workshop med Birgitte Skands – Ticket
17:00 – 17.30 Tårnbyparken
Your Heart Out – by Ella Östlund – Ticket
17:30 – Tårnbyparken
Open Grill
18:30 – 19:15 Tårnbyparken
We/Re Confess Our Faith – by Ran Suh – Ticket
19:30 – 20.45 Tårnbyparkens Fælleshus
Traveling Bodies – by Neda Kovinic – Ticket
21:00 – 21:30 Tårnbyparkens Fælleshus
IN DUO WITH EARTH volume 5 – by Birgitte Skands – Ticket
21:30 Goodbye Party!
Detailed Program
Artist: Proletar Teater
Where: Tårnby Main Library, Kamillevej 4, 2770 Kastrup
Workspace: Tuesday 12:00 – 17:00, Wednesday 12:00 – 17:00, Thursday 11:00-14:00
Shop: Thursday 15:00-18:00, Friday 15:00-18:00, Saturday 12:00-18:00
The Workspace and Shop are two different parts of the SAGA performance. There is at all times the possibility for a drop in and out. COME WHEN YOU LIKE!
50 % Theatre / 50 % Shop! The latest experiment from Proletar Teater is the performative bag shop SAGA, where we interweave stories from the past into the bags we sell. Bring your own fabric and share its story, so that someone else can enjoy it. And perhaps you will find a bag with a story that fits the long journey you are about to embark on. Travel enriches us. It makes us wiser and deeper. We contact the world! But it’s not just us who are traveling. Everything is in motion – on an eternal journey through the universe. The objects we take ownership of follow us and absorb our story. Everything holds stories as relics from the past, from which we can learn and create a better future for ourselves. Proletar Teater develops new, green methods of producing performing arts. We utilize the resources available to us in a way that makes sustainability a rewarding tool.
Proletar Theater is developing new and green methods for producing performing arts. We utilize the resources available to us in a way that makes sustainability a rewarding tool rather than a necessary evil.
Production Manager: Viktor Holm Lauridsen
Director: Emil Muhammed Wardeh
Performer: Amalie Møller
Writer: Marcus Uhre
Web: https://proletarteater.dk/
Facebook: Proletar Teater | Facebook
Instagram: @proletarteater
Co-produced by Tårnby Park Studio
YANA (You are not alone)
Artist: Nexus Dance
When: 09.6 11:00 – 14:00 / 10,11.6 – 13:00-16:00 / 14.6. – 16:00-18:00
Where: 9.-11 Kastrup Strandpark / 14.6 Tårnbyparken
Our long journey goes not only into a physical place, but we will travel through hundreds of years. We will invite you into a sci-fi universe and tell you about our stories from there. This universe is built on the idea of community – you are not alone – and the future being neither dystopian nor utopian. It will be just as complicated as the present, but with a different wish to stay with the trouble. YANA (You are not alone) is a performance project with the intention of creating a place to deal with the climate crisis, activism and imagining non-dystopic futures. During TPPF, it will be shared as a lab-format, where visitors are invited to observe performative situations, co-create places and participate in activities such as building, singing and moving. We invite you to be present with us, allowing our past experiences and future imaginations come together to affect how we act in the present. In the frames of the climate crisis, the past cannot be changed, but our imaginations of the future can. So how can we start imagining the future differently?
How can we challenge being present with each other through listening with both ears and bodies? Working with weight, leaning against and pulling away, we practice together what it means to continue to deal with troubles. Singing together offers a feeling of togetherness and playfulness while building structures of wooden beams and rope which becomes the place we call YANA. Join us on this shared journey into the future and back!
Scenographer / collaborator: Aleksandra Lewon Vertical
dance artist / collaborator: Esther Wrobel
Circus performer / collaborator: Mari Vincentz
Dance artist / leader / producer: Tanya Montan Rydell
Thanks to Huset 2450 and Forsøgsstationen for the space! Co-produced by Tårnby Park Studio
Facebook: Nexus Dance
Festival Opening: Garden Party
When: Friday 09.06 16-22.00
Where: Tårnbyparken
Free Ticket for the Garden Party (The Performance require extra tickets)
We invite you for a chilled and inspirational garden party. Performance, Painting, Ping Pong and Bubbles. We will be barbecuing vegetables and other delicious food, providing DJ’s whose music dance with the leaves of Tårnby Parken and the waves of the ocean. The performances “Aisle to Aisle” from artist Karin Bergman opens the afternoon in the local BASALT around the corner), later as part of the common hang out, you can enjoy the work in progress choreography Autopsy of a Dying Continent (WK) by physical theater maker Soma Mamadou and the rice cake ritual We/Re Confess Our Faith by dancer Ran Suh. What’s to wait for? Get up on your bike, take the bus, your shared electrical car or walk straight away to Tårnbyparken!
OPEN GRILL: We provide vegetarian grillfood to buy. But you are welcome to bring your own food as well and grill it!
Aisle to Aisle
Artist: Karin Bergman
When: 9.6. – 16.00-16.30 / 10.6. – 13:00-13.30 and 14.00-14.30
Where: 9.6 BASALT, Tårnby / 10.6 Netto, Tårnby Station
“Aisle to aisle” is a dance performance in a grocery store. Three dancers enter a grocery store during regular opening hours and accompanies its everyday activities. Situations and dances are performed by the entrance and along the aisles. Between the real and the fictional, a series of scenes unfold. The grocery store turns into a landscape where the expected can meet the unexpected. “Aisle to aisle” is a performance iteration of a dance that has traveled from place to place through parking lots, grocery stores, galleries, parks, gas stations and inner yards. The iterations has in different ways dealt with dancing in-between people and their activities in complex and unpredictable environments. The dances are interested in the specificness of a place and the shifts of attention arising in the negotiation between a dance and its surroundings. The iterations has been developed in different formats for various sites, groups and contexts. Presented at f.ex. Dansehallerne, Tårnby Park Performance Festival and Dance Cooperative.
Choreography: Karin Bergman
Dance: Rebecka Berchtold, Ella Östlund, Karin Bergman
Thanks to dancers from earlier iterations: Emilie Gregersen, Anna Lea Ourø, Marie Bru Eide, Max Wallmeier, Thjerza Balaj, Amalie Bergstein, Camilla Lind, Antonia Harke, Ágnes Grélinger
Co-production: Tårnby Park Performance Festival.
Facebook: Karin Bergman | Facebook
Instagram: @karinbe
A Tårnby State of Mind
Artists: Anna&Emil
When: 9,13.-15.6 – 16:00-18.00 / 10.6 12:00-15.00 / Auction of the collective artwork: 15.6 – 16:30
Where: 9.6 Tårnbyparken / 10.6 Tårnby Bibliotek/ 13,14,15.6, Tårnbyparken
The performance “A Tårnby State of Mind” is an invitation for passers-by, audience, random folk, old and young, to create a common piece of art with their neighbors and co-citizens. A big moving canvas is on a journey in Tårnbyparken and its neighborhood. Paint what’s in your mind! React to what others painted! We would like to see you creating pictures of what it does mean to live in Tårnby! How is it to be young in Tårnby?. How is it to be in charge of a family in Tårnby – to be lonely – to be old – to be happy? What are the thoughts of a citizen who live in a municipality that spends a lot of resources on sports, and very little on arts and culture in the public? Paint! Write! Become part of the picture! Create an image of the Tårnby state of mind and help creating imaginations its future! The performance will be durational and as the time passes more and more will be added to the large canvas. Lights, sound and bodily performative actions will be executed across time and make the performance fluid and expressive.
Facebook: Anna Sofia Chonovitsch | Facebook / Emil Torp-Rasmussen | Facebook
Instagram: @fuji_funk & @annachonovitsch
We/Re Confess Our Faith
Artist: Ran Suh
When: 9.6 – 18:30-19.15 / 15.6 – 18:30-19.15
Where: Tårnbyparken, Tårnby Park Allé 22
We/Re Confess Our Faith is a participatory, rice cake ritual. It grew out of Ran Suh’s ethnographic research in Korean Village Shamanism in 2011. While cooking rice cake, Ran tells the village shamanic ritual’s rice cake tradition and the last elderly people who have struggled to continue the ritual. She asks audiences to join the remembering of the tradition and the elderly people by repeating their words, hoping to repair universal experiences in loss of traditions and communities, and regeneration of communities.
Ran is a choreographer and artist-researcher who resides in Copenhagen and partly in Seoul. Based on her autoethnography, she has created multidisciplinary performances upon shamanism and traditional dances from post-colonial perspectives. After relocating to Denmark, she engaged in a climate activism performance group, Becoming Species. She sees the potential in intertwined narratives of descentralized collective activism, multispecies practices, and relearning indigenous cosmology & ancestral tradition. Her current practice is participating in and writing these movements and regenerating everyday communal rituals. She studied MFA in Choreography at KNUA and MA in Religious Studies at KU.
Concept: Ran Suh
Performer: Ran Suh
Feedbacks: Trine Stårup Madsen, Thore Jurgensen, Karolina Tamara Wojtowicz
Web: yeongransuh.com
Facebook: YeongRan Suh | Facebook
Instagram: @ran_suh
Autopsy of a Dying Continent (WK)
Artist: Mamadou Soma & Delia Keller
When: 09.06 – 19:30-20.00 / 13.6 – 18:00-18.30
Where: 09.06 Tårnbyparkens Fælleshus / 13.6 Tårnbyparkens Café
Autopsy of a Dying Continent (WT) is an artistic research project by Soma Mamadou and Delia C. Keller. The research is about the sickness of the social body and its consequences in a sick society, and the individual and collective responsibility for the crises we are confronted with today (environmental, health, and security). With Soma Mamadou and Delia C. Keller’s first performance at the Tårnby Park Festival, they will place the audience in a ceremonial setting where a doctor tries to find a remedy for the great sick social body. Art can as a place of resilience, a beacon of hope and of rebirth of our society in the grip of stress, of multiple and multiform social crises! This research is based on observations Soma Mamadou experienced in Switzerland, Denmark, Burkina Faso, and Canada during his master’s studies at Accademia Teatro Dimitri in Switzerland.
Delia C. Keller and Soma Mamadou met each other in 2017 in an exchange program of their schools in Ouagadougou (Escape Ghambidi and Zürcher Hochschule der Künste) where they made a project about the social act of drinking tea. Five years later they met by accident in Copenhagen and Autopsy of a Dying Continent is their first collective project.
Conception & Coregraphy: Mamadou Soma, Stage design & Costumes : Delia C. Keller
Web: https://soma.theater/
Supported by: Dansk Skuespillerforbund
Artist: Boaz Barkan
When: 10.6 – 11:00-11:45
Where: Tårnby Bibliotek, Kamillevej 4
Tickets (Both children and adults need a ticket.)
Octopus Thoughts is a dance performance where you are led around the library by a dancer. Through headphones you listen to music, different sounds and the dancer’s voice. During the journey, you will experience how the library is transformed into a sensory space of movement. So, get ready to move like an octopus through the world. Because octopuses are ingenious creatures that think with their bodies and have brains spread across their limbs. They see and taste with their skin and are constantly dancing with their environment. The performance is choreographed by choreographer and performance artist Boaz Barkan and performed by Amalie Bergsten Nielsen.
Web: https://taarnbybib.dk/
Facebook: Tårnby Bibliotek | Kastrup | Facebook / Boaz Barkan | Facebook
Instagram: (@taarnbybibliotek)
The Loop of Cultural Reproduction
Artist: Tom Silbiger
When: 10.6 – 11:00 – 14.00 / 15.6 – 15:00 – 18.00
Where: 10.6 Tårnby Torv / 15.6 Tårnbyparken
Through the agency of artefacts and rituals, this project attempts to enable and stimulate interaction between the residents of Tårnby, and between the different incarnations of Tårnby across time. From tribal settlements to the scar made by traffic infrastructure and the distant future. The Time Capsule will contain a collection of artefacts contributed by the people of Tårnby, together with stories about the rituals that formed and evolved around them. This cultural capital will be presented as part of the project exam and exhibition and eventually will be placed in a public space in Tårnby.
Facebook: Tom Silbiger | Facebook / Instagram:@tombsilbi
Traveling Bodies
Artist: Neda Kovinic
When: 10.6 – 14:00 – ca. 18.00 / 15.6 – 19:30 – 20.45
Where: 10.6 Tårnby Kommunes Havnekontor / 15.6 Tårnbyparkens Fælleshus
Embodied experience of sound and dance encounter with a natural reserve; the island Saltholm near Copenhagen. Movement and sound artists from Serbia and UK: Simonida Zarkovic (SR), Nevena Radulovic (SR), Neda Kovinic (SR), Neil Luck (UK). “Traveling Bodies“ is a site specific performance-encounter of four dancers and musicians with the local nature and traffic infrastructure. Four artists from Serbia and London spend work and meeting time on the island of Saltholm, perform there and bring then their work into the area of the Tårnby Park Performance Festival in Tårnby. Neda Kovinic and her international team focus on the touch of a moving body and mind with a concrete site. How do different spaces of Tarnby speak about the environmental questions and eco-anxiety? The company investigates questions of traveling, tourism and nature. They will spend days in the silent island of Saltholm, observe animals, plants, the sea and the airplanes landing at Kastrup Airport. What can a traveling body experience? How can the traveling body meet local bodies? The traveling bodies are messengers of human experience in an encounter of Nature and travel technology, between centers and borders…
Performers: Simonida Zarkovic (SR), Nevena Radulovic (SR), Neda Kovinic (SR), Neil Luck (UK).
Supported by: Dancestation, Belgrade, “Stanica” service for contemporary dance from Serbia, DoPoDo programme.
Coproduced with Tårnby Park Studio
Web: https://nedakovinic.wixsite.com/neda-kovinic
Facebook: Neda Kovinic | Facebook
Instagram: @nedakovinic @nevennevencica @arcoarcoarcoarco @roze_bambi
Frankensteins first walk in the neighborhood
Artist: Fremtidsklubben: Nina, Joseph, Victoria, Ekko, Oona, Raffaella, Isabella, Sherish, Jacob, Luciana.
Artistic leaders: Andreas Liebmann, Delia Keller, Birgitte Skands
When: 13.6 – 16:30
Where: Tårnbyparken and close neighborhood
Tårnby Park Studio’s local performance club for nonprofessionals is working with material of Frankenstein’s monster this year, leading to an indoor show in the late autumn. In the Tårnby Park Performance Festival, Fremtidsklubben creates a monster group that infiltrates the neighborhood with uncanny dances, scary faces and funky music. Come and be scared!
Artist: Ella Östlund & Ottavia Catenacci
When: 13,15.6 – 17:00 -17.30
Where: Tårnbyparken
YOUR HEART OUT is a dance playground for choreographic investigation into the logics and questions of fandom. It’s a curiosity towards fandom as a carrier bag of excessive emotion for imitating, worshiping and power playing hierarchical relationships. The fan and the idol are always playing – who moves what moves who? Ottavia Catenacci and Ella Östlund meet in their first collaboration, the proposal for Tårnby Park Festival will be a solo rendition of the work that is intended as a duo work. Ottavia Catenacci and Ella Östlund are both recent graduates from the BA in Dance and Choreography at Den Danske Scenekunstskole. The work YOUR HEART OUT has been developed at Tårnby Park Studio and via many phone calls and conversations throughout Europe.
Ella Östlund (SE/DK) is a dance maker and performer based in Copenhagen (DK). She holds a BA in Dance and Choreography from the Danish School of Performing Arts. Her work concerns questions around the collective potential of the performance space, the work of performing and the landscapes between dance and music. As a performer she has worked for artists such as Matija Ferlin, Renan Martins, Snorre Elvin, Samuel Feldhandler, Malin Elgán and Julie Rasmussen.
Ottavia Catenacci (IT/DK) graduated with a BA in Scenography at Urbino Art Academy and with a BA in Dance and Choreography at the Danish School of Performing Arts, studying with Rasmus Ölme, Malin Astner, Tiziana Fracchiolla, Quim Bigas Bassart, Anna Grip and Alma Söderberg. She is the author of Glory was at the fingertips (2019), A Bridge/in case you will forget (2020) and godsibb (2022). She performed for Masako Matsushita, Samuel Feldhandler, Snorre Elvin, Renan Martins and Matija Ferlin.
Choreography and performance: Ottavia Catenacci and Ella Östlund,
Performer Tårnby Park Festival: Ella Östlund
Instagram: @ellaostlnd @ottaviacatenacci
Open Grill
When: 13,14,15.6 – 17:30-19:00
Where: Tarnbyparken
Bring your own food! As in the other years, we want to picnic with you. Bring your own meal, have a drink and sit down at our tables, Meet a stranger, a neighbor that you never saw, meet the people you always miss when sitting in a public transportation because you or the other are staring into the smartphone. Going Picnic is much smarter! And if you cannot find the food you need at home – we might very well also offer you something delicious.
Kleist & Krise
Artist: Boys* in Sync
When: 13.6. – 19:00 – 19.45
Where: Tårnbyparken
The performance group Boys* in Sync is researching the communal area of Tårnbyparken, which was established in the 1950s to provide green and affordable housing, inspired by the Athens Charter. 200 years earlier Heinrich von Kleist wrote “The Earthquake in Chile”, a short novel about a young couple whose love is socially forbidden. Only through the catastrophe of an earthquake are they able to escape execution and find shelter in a community of survivors outside the ruins of the destroyed city. Kleist’s novel can be read as a study of community and societal trauma – eventually law is reinstalled and the two lovers are killed by the newly established community that they had put their trust in. In the 40 min performative walk through the landscape of Tårnbyparken, Boys* in Sync explore its socio-political topography, stepping in and out of theatricality, using the architecture as well as Kleist’s novel to raise the questions: “What does it need to build a community? What do we learn from a crisis?”
Performance & Concept: Jakob Schnack Krog & Simon David Zeller,
Web: www.boysinsync.com
Instagram: @boys_in_sync @simondavidz
An orientation walk training in the park with AMOK
Artist: Amager Orienteringsklub (AMOK)
When: 14.6 – 17:30 – 19.00
Where: Tårnbyparken
How to get lost on a journey and how to find your way back on track? Amager Orienteringsklub (AMOK) is so kind to organize a training for professionals, amateurs and beginners! Come with your family and friends or find your way alone through the labyrinth of Tårnbyparken! Get a fancy luminic badge when you have found a spot. Be one of the winners of a signed DVD with the locally produced E.T. remake “Tårnby får besøg”. Taking part in an orientation run is not only a physical challenge and a triggering of your visual capacity of imagining the local geography. It is – først og fremmest – a collective fun trip into your known and unknown neighborhood.
Facebook: AMOK – Amager Orienteringsklub | Facebook
Instagram: AMOK – Amager Orienteringsklub
FILM EVENING: “Stemme i mit øre“ (“Voice in my ear”) / “Tårnby får besøg”
Artist: Max Morris – Doherty, Sophie Grodin, Andreas Liebmann, Boaz Barkan
Date: 14.6 – 19:00 – 20.15
Scene: Tarbyparkens Café
At 19.00 Sophie Grodin and Max Morris-Doherty present their animated movie “Stemme i mit øre“ (“Voice in my ear”). The movie presents voices from Tårnby about loneliness in the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. The animation and drawings make it more than a documentary movie: An artistic interpretation of the situation of isolation and the longing to reach out. At 19.30 Boaz Barkan and Andreas Liebmann present their movie “Tårnby får besøg” – a remake of “E.T. by Steven Spielberg”. A little puppet that looks like E.T. visits Tårnby. But an agent from Copenhagen hunts him. The stars in that movie are citizens from Tårnby: A bus driver, and older lady from the plejehjem, politicians from different parties, the fire-departement, and mayor Allan Anderson!
Soft Clashes
Artist: Gylleboverket, Kinéo 37, Nexus Dance, På den anden side, Trampoline House
When: 15.6. – 10:00-15.00
Where: Tårnbyparkens Fælleshus
Tårnby Park Studio invites for a debate day about institution making, where Morten Goll, founder of the long existing Trampolinehuset, will guide us through the day. We will share experiences, practices, problems, failures. We will talk about the reality check that happens right in the moment people start to bring visions to life. Partners in conversation will be visionaries Gylleboverket (Malmö), På den anden side (Møn), Kinéo 37 (Odsherred) and Nexus Dance Company (CPH). These guests have different experiences in institution making and the process of transforming visions into life. They are all artists that want to effect a change of some sort. All of them have visions of how to make things better. All of them have an extended notion of what art can or should be in the society. Some being right in the beginning, and some looking back at years of practice.
Visions are for free, but making them a reality is not.
Visionmaking is work, needing time, space and resources to manifest in the physical world.
Making visions work takes time.
Open Dance Workshop With Birgitte Skands
Artist: Birgitte Skands
When: 14,15.6 – 16:00-ca. 18.00
Where: Tårnbyparken
Birgitte Skands, the invincible dance and performance legend from Copenhagen which is one of the artistic leaders of Fremtidsklubben, invites you to an open dance workshop. Drop-in! You come with your time budget and get rewarded with a refreshed sense of playing with your body. Move on the grass! Enjoy a shared flow. Dance under the blue sky of Tårnbyparken.
IN DUO WITH EARTH volume 5 #
Artist: Birgitte Skands
When: 15.6 – 21:00 – 21.30
Where: Tårnbyparkens Fælleshus, Tårnbypark Allé 22
Through a re-cycling mode, the work IN DUO WITH EARTH Volume 5 #2023, unfolds as a ritual, in a re-cycling mode of animated elements and dances. IN DUO WITH EARTH is a movement reflection on the global body, on life and on circular time. It looks at the bodily aspect of the history of philosophy, while Birgitte moves and holds the Earth close to her. It addresses different forms of alienation, questions the state of humanity under pressure, and about inner home and the possibility of change through bodywork and the imaginary. This performance relates to the PhiloPhysical lectures series, PhiloPhysical is a series of performances that delve into historical aspects and philosophical perspectives, put in thematic relation to where we stand in the world here and now. Birgitte has developed this cross-aesthetic method, where visual art, dance and theater speak between text, movement and memory.
Choreography: Birgitte Skands Performer: Birgitte Skands, Scenography and Costumes: Delia C. Keller
Facebook: Birgitte Skands | Facebook
Instagram: @birgitte.skands
Andreas Liebmann – Artistic Director
Delia Corina Keller – Executive Producer
Tanya Montan Rydell – Excecutive Prroducer, Artistic Liaison and Logistics
Ingunn Fjellang Sæther – Technical Supervisor
Franco De Pian – Communication and Logistics
Max Morris-Doherty – Grafic Design and Documentation
Mille Højerslev Nielsen – Press
Lara Ostan Vejrup – Production Assistant Soft Clashes
Alfredo Miranda – Chef
Supported by Statens Kunstfond, Boligforening Tårnbyhuse, Tårnby Kommune, William Demant Fond, BUPL Fond in collaboration with Netto, Basalt, Main Library, AMOK (Amager Orienteringsklub), Dansk Skuespillerforbund, Dansk Artist Forening.
Special thanks to: Helle Fuglsang, Ezequiel Leon, Julieta Rod, Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt, all friends and partners who support our team and artists, Alaa El Abd, Netto, Basalt, Helene Filskov Bjerre Jensen and Morten Goll.